626 98 13 15 livenglish@outlook.es


Native teacher

Native teacher

Cada any seleccionem candidats directament del país d'origen per tenir un referent nadiu que comparteixi amb nosaltres la seva cultura, tècniques d'ensenyament i enriqueixi els continguts que creem pels alumnes. Al llarg dels anys hem tingut la gran sort de poder comptar amb grans persones que han fet i fan que LiveEnglish sigui un gran projecte.

Andrea Gurri

Andrea Gurri

Havent obtingut el Certificat Advanced per Cambridge Andrea treballa amb els més petits en el primer contacte amb l'idioma. Les classes són molt visuals i interactives, potenciant la parla a través de multitud d'activitats.

Javi Bellido

Javi Bellido

Professor multidisciplinari especialitzat en l'aprenentatge a través de dinàmiques de grup i activitats lúdiques, així com en la preparació d'exàmens oficials. Javi crea classes originals i divertides que tenen com a objectiu que els alumnes es comuniquin en anglès des del primer moment.



Hello everyone! My name is Daria. I am going to be your new teacher at LiveEnglish and I am very excited to meet you all! I studied English philology and pedagogy in Poland and I’ve been teaching English for 5 years. I love working with the children and teenagers and motivating them to learn new things! I can guarantee my classes will be funny and creative- everybody will have fun. My hobby is dancing, traveling and learning new languages, so this is why I want to share my knowledge with my students. I hope this year will bring us great memories together!



Hi everyone, my name is Ula and I'll be one of the new teachers joining LiveEnglish this year! I'm very excited for what the coming year will bring, (soon) meeting all my students, and moving to Spain. Ever since I was a child, my family and I have always traveled and moved between countries. So far, I have lived in Dubai, Singapore, Holland and Poland. All these places around the world have offered me different experiences and allowed me to meet people from all kinds of backgrounds. As you may have already figured out, I love experiencing new places and cultures. In my free time, I also enjoy painting, and making music with friends. As such, I hope to encourage a creative and fun atmosphere in the classroom. See you soon!



Hello Everyone! My name is Jenna, I am a student from Southern California. I am very excited to be joining the Live English team this fall! This will be my second time in Spain, as last year I spent three amazing months teaching English to two young children as an au pair. I am looking forward to again sharing my knowledge with my students in a fun and engaging way. I love to explore new places, read, do anything creative and spend time with people in conversation. I can’t wait to begin this next academic year with Live English. Looking forward to meeting you soon!
